Weaning – Another Article

What is weaning? and what does this mean to the chick and to you the handfeeder? Weaning is Independence. The chick now eats enough on his own that he no longer requires handfeeding formula to maintain his body weight. As a responsible handfeeder your ultimate goal is to have chicks who are independent and able to forage for food on their own. Weaning is a process. It takes time, it does not happen overnight. Weaning requires patience on the part of the handfeeder.
Keep on reading!Weaning from WingedWisdom.com
From: http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww50eii.htm

Weaning is an exciting but stressful time in a baby birds life. They are learning to explore and do things on their own at this age. They are also having to take in a lot of changes in a very short period of time. They’ve gone from you feeding them to having to eat on their own. They’ve had to lose weight to fledge. They’re body has been under a great amount of stress due to feather, bone, and other bodily changes. This is the time their immune system will be more compromised than at almost any other time in their lives. Therefore, you need to be sure you don’t add any unnecessary stress by improper weaning techniques.
Keep on reading!Food Sacrificed to Idols in the 21st Century?
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Tammy read me Rev 2:20 and it talked about food sacrificed to idols. I wondered what that meant to us today. I figured it was somehow relevant to the 21st century. We obviously don’t publicly have sacrifices to gods anymore, so how does this relate to us… I found this online
Some links and info for Zone 9
Nice page with what can be planted in what month as well as individual links to more info on the plants:
First Post – Brain Dump – Dec. 3rd 2017 – Zone 9b
Me and my wife moved into a new house in October 2017. We call it our God House since it was an opportunity that just fell into our laps. We get to live in the house for free! We manage a retirement community that is next door.
My wife Tammy cleaned out some of the overgrown garden beds and I planted some seeds I had laying around not expecting much. I planted the seeds in late November, we are in Zone 9b. I figure worse case I wasted about $15 worth of seeds I had been carrying around for years. My real hope is that the soil will start to get worked and get some nutrients back into it.
Continue reading “First Post – Brain Dump – Dec. 3rd 2017 – Zone 9b”